Insights|Ethiopian Alirlines exec: China's appeal of 'no country left behind' in modernization drive is inspiring

来源:中新网 2024-09-10 21:30


(ECNS) -- As an African proverb goes, a friend is someone you share the path with. On the path to modernization, no one, and no country, should be left behind. Aman Wole Gurmu, country director of China for Ethiopian Airlines, notes that modernization is a key and important tool for any business and any nation to develop, and he was very much impressed during his stay in China by the modernization of Chinese technology.

He further explains that Ethiopian Airlines is one of the main examples - It has been receiving huge support from China in the logistic sector, and now it is operating the modern and high-technology air fleet. "There are huge opportunities, and China-Africa relationship has grown to a higher level. The future is very optimistic," concluded Gurmu. (Wu Jiaju, Chen Tianhao)



